
Fight or Flight I

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Literature Text

Raven sat atop a roof top in Jump City, it was late so not many people were out. She could feel the cool breeze make its way through her long hair. It it had not been mid July she would have brought a jacket. She sighed taking in the beauty of the night.

"Geez how long is this going to take, I'm bored!" Raven rolled her eyes and look over to where the changeling was pacing. He had grown so much in the past year since defeating Brother Blood. Now standing just at six feet, he towered over her. He had finally grown out of his childish figure, and was looking more like a man with every passing day. If only he could act more mature.

"Calm down. This is a stake out mission. We will be here for awhile." She said with a tone of aggravation in her voice. They were to suppose to spy on a major hang out for drug trafficking. Although not much, there was a door way in the ally that lead in to a large warehouse, that no doubt held a large amount of drugs. Robin had made it clear that this was just a stake out, that no action was to be made no matter what they saw. Any action would ruin what little progress they had already made with the King Pin, and would spark a heated argument with their leader. She was not sure why he had sent Beast Boy with her, Robin knew sitting around made him glittery and unpredictable. Their instructions were clear, they were suppose to be here from midnight till 6 a.m, and with it being just past 3, Beast Boy was becoming impatient.

"I know but I expected way more action! This is agonizing." Beast Boy whined.

"Spell agonizing." Raven taunted.

"A-g-o-um-um. SHUT UP!" He yelled at her. He was quit for a moment until he finally sighed and walked over to where she was sitting and took a seat. "I guess I'm not the easiest person to be stuck with. I just get nervous staying in one place too long. I feel like I'm trapped." He rubbed his face, obviously fatigue was playing a part in his bad mood.

"It's fine." She gave him a sincere smile in attempts to calm his nerves. There was silence between them as they took in the night. A hour passed with out any words exchanged.

"Maybe after this we could grab a cup of coffee together?" Beast Boy asked, he shot her a toothy grin. This actually sounded pleasing to Raven. Her and Beast Boy had been spending more and more time with each other over the past few months. To her surprise she was actually enjoying his company, she looked forward to being with him every day.

She chuckled, "Sure that sounds-" Just then Raven was cut off by the sound of a woman screaming. They rushed over to the side of the building and looked at the scene that was unfolding below them. There were two thugs that had pushed a women down the ally in front of the hang out, she fell to her knees and attempted to stand. She was dressed in reveling clothes and Raven assumed she was a 'women of the night'.

"Where is my money Candy? I told you I needed it by tonight!" The larger thug grabbed the women by the hair and forced her to stand. Bringing her close to his face he hissed, "Answer me!" He then through her against the wall and pressed his body against her back. "If you don't have it, we will have to get paid other ways."

Raven looked over to Beast Boy and could see him grinding his teeth. He was angry, she knew what was going to come next. "No, Beast Boy. Robin said we can't interfere. It'll blow our cover!" Raven knew her words were falling on deaf ears. She attempted to grab his arm but he pulled away in an instant.

"We are super heroes, we can't just stand here and let them hurt her like that!" He growled at her. Raven felt a shiver run down her spine, this was not going to end well, she knew it.

She tried again to reason with him. "Robin said-"

"Fuck Robin!" He then jumped over the ledge and landed in the ally. Raven closed her eyes and followed her team mate. She hovered just a few feet above the ground and watched Beast Boy. "Hey! Let go of her!." Beast Boy yelled as he walked over to where the thugs were.

"This does not concern you. Leave us to our business." The smaller thug said as he walked closer to Beast Boy.

"If your business is beating up defenseless women, then it does concern me!" Beast Boy stood in a defensive pose. Just then the smaller thug pulled out a switch blade and attempted to intimidate his opponent, making a stabling motion towards him. A smile crossed the changelings face as he turned in to a panther and pounced at its prey.

Everything was happening so fast. Raven immediately went to the other thug who had the women, and pulled him off of her. She looked over the the women as whispered "Run." The women understood and took off. The thug took the opportunity and landed a cheap shot to Raven's face. Raven stumbled but was able to compose herself quickly and block the next punch with black energy. He smiled and pulled out his own switch blade to use one her. 'What is with all of these knives?' Raven thought to herself.

The man Raven was fighting was much larger than Raven herself, at least twice her size. She tried to remember what Boy Wonder had taught her about hand to hand combat, but her memory was failing her. Raven was depending on her powers to keep up with the thug.

Being preoccupied Raven did not see that Beast Boy was loosing his fight. The thug threw the changeling, who was now in wolf form, into a cluster of trashcans across the ally. Raven looked over to where he friend landed, the larger thug saw that she was distracted and jammed the knife in to Raven's upper left arm. Raven yelled in pain. She shot a blast of large force of black energy and knocked the thug against the wall causing him to go unconscious. She looked at the knife protruding from her arm, with out thinking she pulled it out. Again Raven screamed in pain, she threw the knife and applied pressure to her wound.

"Well now that your friend is out of the way, I suppose I will just get my payment from that whore from you." The smaller thug said as he walked towards the now wounded Raven. Raven could feel her body shutter at the though of the thug 'gaining his payment' with her. Just then she heard a low growl come from the opposite end of the ally. With out warning a large green gorilla leap forward and grabbed the thug from behind. The thug attempted to make a noise but was cut of by being thrown in across the ally.

Beast Boy transformed in to his human form and stood in front of Raven. "Leave. Her. Alone." He commanded in a deep voice that did not sound like his own. Apparently the people in the warehouse had had enough of the commotion, and to Raven's horror at least ten more men flooded the ally way. Beast Boy took a few steps back in suprise.

"We need to go now." Raven said, she grabbed Beast Boys hand and before he could argue they were engulfed in black energy and teleported to Titans Tower.

Raven had over shot the teleportation, they emerged a few feet above the main rooms floor. To Ravens disgust, they fell to the ground with Beast Boy landing on top of her wounded arm. Raven attempted to muffle her scream as she rolled the grass stain off of her. Beast Boy instantly stood up, and began to pace the room. Aggravated Raven used the couch to help her pull herself up, Beast Boy was obvious to her wound.  

"Why the hell did you do that? I could have taken them!" Beast Boy yelled, obviously still fumed from the fight. Raven could feel the anger flow off of him in waves. She ignored it and tried to focus on her arm. Her hand had just turned blue when he yelled "Answer me!" Raven jumped at his tone, loosing concentration.

"If you didn't notice, we were out numbered. I had to stop you from causing more damage to our situation." Raven spat back. As soon as the words left her mouth, the doors to the common room opened and in ran the rest of the Titans, still in their night gowns.

"What is going on here!" Robin demanded as he noticed Beast Boy pacing. Raven could feel Robins emotions as well, he had a sense of anger, confusion and frustration.

Raven clutched her head and answered. "Dumb ass here gave away out position, he attacked a couple of thugs that were roughing up a prostitute. Long story short we became out numbered." Raven could feel her arm throbbing, she could vaguely see deep red blood soaking into her cloak.

"We saved her! And don't call me dumb ass!" Beast Boy yelled. Raven tried to take a few steps forward to respond but her knees instantly bucked and she fell on all fours. Her world was spinning.

"Whoa, whoa there Raven." Cyborg was instantly by her side, he removed her cloak and examined the wound on her arm. "You have lost a lot of blood, I need to get you patched up soon." Raven was blasted with waves of worry from Cyborg.

"I can do it I just can't focus with all of the emotions in here." Raven whispered to her friend. She was embarrassed that she allowed herself to get injured, she was even more embarrassed that Beast Boy's emotions were affecting her powers. Cyborg nodded and put his arm around Raven's waist to help her up.

"See that! Look at what you did Beast Boy! You had ONE objective, just ONE and you just couldn't follow orders! What is wrong with you!" Robin spat at the changeling. "Why do you have to disobey orders like that!"

"DISOBEY ORDERS? Are you fucking kidding me? There was someone in distress, I saved her! I DID MY JOB!" Beast Boy defended himself.

"DID YOUR JOB? All you did tonight is blow out cover, and get Raven hurt. Stop acting like a child and grow up!" That was a low blow towards Beast Boy, he was very sensitive about his immaturity, although Raven never understood why. If Robin wanted to be on his bad side quickly, he was on the right track. She began to feel the changelings anger rise to dangerous levels.

"How dare you!" Beast Boy walked quickly over to Robin, he grabbed his shirt and brought him to his level, being the tallest of the Titans Beast Boy could be very intimidating when he wanted to be. "Say that again. I dare you." Beast Boy now said this in a low whisper. Starfire must have known that this was going too far, she was quite up until then but put her hands on each of the heroes chest and pushed them apart.

"Enough. Please Friends. What is done is done, there is nothing to gain by fighting among each other." Starfire tried to sound as calm as possible, but Raven could feel her nervousness. Beast Boy merely huffed, dropping his leader. He turned and stormed out of the common room. Robin sighed and sat on the couch, he buried his head in his hands, Raven felt his emotions change. He was now radiating sadness, frustration and a hint of regret. Starfire knelt beside her boyfriend and attempted to comfort him.

"Okay enough drama, let's get you fixed." Cyborg exclaimed, he helped Raven walk out of the common room. She instantly felt better once she was away from her team mates. She sighed and stopped a few feet out the door, leaning against the far wall. She could only feel Cyborgs emotions, and luckily for her he was attempting to keep them down for her sake. She moved her hand to her arm, her hand was enclosed in blue light as she brought it to her arm. She instantly felt better and could feel the wound heal, she didn't use all of her power though, she assumed Beast Boy was hurt in battle, and knew she would have to heal him. She couldn't feel pain in his emotions, just anger. She had only felt this amount of anger from him when the beast was released, for some reason this scared her.

"You feel better Rae?" Cyborg asked.

"Yeah. Thank you Cyborg. I owe you one." She gave him a weak smile. He returned it and leaned against the wall with her.

"I guess Beast Boy is in some hot water huh?" Cyborg whispered. Raven nodded in response. "Do you think he did the right thing? Saving that woman?" Raven looked away from her friend. She knew she could open up with Cyborg, he was her closet friend. Still, she did not want to get over emotional with the topic of Beast Boy.

"Yes." She rolled her eyes at her own response. "No matter what Robin says, we are super heroes. We need to save people in distress. Even if it sets back our secret agendas."

"I guess you are right." Cyborg responded. There was a short silence between them, not the awkward kind, but more of a moment of clarity.. Then Cyborg stood up and said "Welp, that's enough chaos for me for one night. I'm going hitting the hay, you should too Rea. Good Night."

"Night." She responded back. Cyborg left her alone to her thoughts. Raven knew she needed rest. Being hurt took a lot out of her, she had very little energy left. However, she couldn't go to bed, not yet. She pushed herself off the wall and made her way down the hall.

Her foot steps echoed though the empty hallway, she had not noticed how creepy the tower was at night. She stopped in front of Beast Boys door, she looked at his name and exhaled. She could still feel anger radiating from him, even through the door. She did not want to do this, but she knew she had to. She had to make sure he was alright, she had to heal him if he was hurt. More than anything she needed to calm him down. Taking in a deep breath, she knocked on his door. There was no answer so she knocked again. The door then swooshed open and Raven was met with with an rush of emotions: frustration, anger, rage, all mixed into one.

"What!" He hissed.

"I need to come in." She said in a monotone. She pushed her way past him into his room.
Here is chapter one of my new story. If you like the story please favorite/comment. Tell me what you think!

Next chapter ---------------------->
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